Active scientists working in Natural Hazards in any related field of research
whose expertise's does not primarily belong in the EM field but who are
interested in, and wish to contribute to development of new geophysical
They are interested in participating in EMSEV activities, including contributing
to analysis of observations and understanding of physical processes from
their different perspectives.
Name | Affiliation and address, etc. | Country |
Vladimir G. Kossobokov | Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow volodya @ |
Russia |
Alain Bernard | Laboratoire de Volcanologie, Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences CP160/02
Universite' Libre de Bruxelles abernard @ |
Belgium |
Kazuyoshi Z. Nanjo |
Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka,
Shizuoka, Japan nanjo @ u‐shizuoka‐ |
Japan |
Kosuke Heki | Hokkaido University kheki @ |
Japan |